
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wave News Story- Not Newsworthy

       The link above is a link to a story Wave 3 News posted on their website about a woman who was arrested for stealing and eating food in a Kroger store. She is now banned from all Kroger stores. This story violates the newsworthiness yardstick of journalism. It has no useful information to the public and very few people are actually affected by this incident. The only people this affects are the people at Kroger, who were involved, and the women who stole the food, but all of these people already know about the incident. This story is also over exaggerated. The woman only stole $2.87 worth of food. This small amount of money lost could not have possibly hurt the business. This story may be a very entertaining or interesting story , but it is not real news that gives the people information the really need to know.

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